Wind energy

Wind is 100% renewable resource because there is a limitless supply that is produced naturally. That makes it non-polluting electricity that business can use. Many companies are seeking to become more environmentally friendly in their operations are increasingly using wind power. Wind energy is one of the fastest growing energy technologies in the world.
Wind power is generated when the wind causes 2 or 3 propeller-like blades to rotate around a rotor. This action spins a generator that supplies an electric current to make electricity. The unit is called a wind turbine. In a large-scale setup, wind turbines are organized in groups that produce electricity in a wind farm. Electricity generated from wind turbines can power schools and businesses. Accessing wind energy requires locations with good wind speeds. Small-scale turbines generate enough energy to power homes. More power is generated with strong winds in coastal areas and western states of India. There are locations that are suitable for good wind energy production
There are many benefits of wind energy other than it being a free, renewable resource. It is also an eco-friendly alternative because it creates little to no pollution during power generation. It can even offset emissions of other pollutants that would have been produced in its place. Being environmentally sound is a goal of many companies.
Wind power creates new job opportunities when wind farms hire people to set up an maintain the turbines. This creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance and support services. If you want to manufacture wind energy on a large scale, you will create hundreds of new jobs.
If you are looking to use or generate wind technology for your company, consider the size of your company, its location and your business goals. If you are a small company that does not use much electricity, it may make sense to tap into your local wind energy provider. If you are a large corporation with land available, the investment in manufacturing your own energy source may be worth it.
Wind energy is one of the lowest-priced energy resources currently available, and it could potentially save your company a significant amount of money in the long term. As a sustainable resource, wind only needs the sun and the earth’s rotation to appear. Minimal operating expenses are associated with wind power, especially since wind turbines can be built on existing land.
Hydroelectric power:
Hydropower is one of the largest renewable energy sources for electricity, though wind energy is expected to take over the lead. Hydropower relies on water – typically fast-moving water in a large river or rapidly descending water from a high point and converts the force of that water into electricity by spinning a generator’s turbine blades. Nationally and internationally, large hydroelectric plants – or mega dams are often considered to be non-renewable energy. Small hydroelectric plants (an installed capacity below about 40 megawatts) carefully managed, do not tend to cause as much environmental damage, as they divert only a fraction of flow.

Biomass energy
Biomass is often mistakenly described as a clean, renewable fuel and a greener alternative to coal and other fossil fuels for producing electricity. However, recent science shows that many forms of biomass specially from forests produce higher carbon emissions that fossil fuels. There are also negative consequences for biodiversity. Still, some forms of biomass energy could serve as a low-carbon options under the right circumstances. Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, and includes crops, waste wood, and trees. When biomass is burned, the chemical energy is released as heat and can generate electricity with a steam turbine.