Professional installation by qualified and experienced staff

After delivery of our equipment and machines they will be assembled and commissioned by our experienced technicians and specialists. The scope of our activities depends on your needs and can range from small service calls, through supervised assembly (monitoring and technical direction) to complete installation. Over the entire setting-up period our experts shall always assume full responsibility for the equipment and shall always be at your side when needed.
Our staff then check the installed systems for compliance with requirements. In mutually performed test runs we then determine how well the projected capacity can actually be fulfilled. Our highly qualified employees carry out the mechanical and electrical fine-tuning necessary for commissioning the systems.
Our activities do not just restricted to installing systems and putting them into operation, since we can also offer training for your own staff. It is important to us that we can make your staff as familiar with the system as possible. For this reason, we seek your close involvement already when we put the various parts of your system into operation. In this way we can ensure from the first day of production that your staff are able to operate the plant as intended, to maintain it independently and to keep it working. In addition, your staff shall also be able to restart the system independently in the event of any minor malfunctions so that downtimes can be prevented.
In further training courses and practical training sessions, your staff shall be able to deepen their knowledge even further. This will also mean that your trained staff will be able to identify even more with the manufacturing process and your company. The newly gained know-how combined with the motivation inspired shall create an enormous added value for your company.
We will still of course continue with our assistance even after the installation and commissioning of your machinery and systems. You shall always be able to rely on our efficient and rapid service.
Difference between erection, installation & commissioning
- Installation of a system or machinery up to the point of being able to start running is erection. Commissioning is preparing for running or taking into use of the installed system or machinery by making preliminary tests and checks (pre-commissioning) and initially running the system or machinery or taking it into use while checking and setting all of its running parameters in accordance with its design (hot commissioning).
- Commissioning is a term that spans a wide range of general meanings. Most of the time it refers to Building Commissioning, or HVAC System Commissioning.
- Building commissioning is the process of verifying, in new construction, that all the subsystems for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire/Life safety, Building Envelopes, Interior Systems (example laboratory units), cogeneration, utility plants, sustainable systems, Lighting, Wastewater, Controls, and Building Security achieve the owner’s project requirements as intended by the building owner and as designed by the building architects and engineers. Building commissioning is a quality-focused process necessary for both non-complex and complex modern construction projects.
- But “Erection and Commissioning” is quite a bit different. It typically refers to larger construction of industrial plant systems and equipment.
- “Erection and commissioning” primarily refers to the installation and professional oversight of major industrial plant facilities and large equipment installation by qualified design engineering companies, etc. This type of Erection and Construction Commissioning activities may include oversight of construction of Oil Refineries, Rolling Mills, Reheating furnaces, Galvanizing lines, Annealing Furnaces, fabrication and erection of towers, piping, hydraulics, or the erection of giant steam turbines, power generators, etc. These “erection and commissioning” activities require specialists with a proven track record as these may be very expensive $50 Million projects that require intense detailed oversight. There is no room for mistakes in that size of project. If someone specs the wrong size piping, or wrong steel, this delays the entire project, and may become million dollar mistakes.
- It is necessary to dovetail the commissioning aspect of these projects right into the construction activities. The “Erection and Commissioning” agents must take responsibility for the correctness of the design documents, checklists, and the delivery of the plant equipment as well. So the entire “erection and commissioning” process is an integrated on-going process.
- After the erection of the plant and large equipment, then the equipment needs to be properly “commissioned” by well-experienced seasoned professionals. This is especially critical for large very expensive energy utilization equipment, such as natural gas turbines and compressors. These final commissioning activities include verifying construction phase tests, and commissioning testing.
- The ultimate goal of the commissioning processes to deliver to the owner, a project that is on schedule, has reduced first cost of delivery, and substantial life cost reductions, and meets the needs of the user and occupants, including a fully operational and optimized plant and systems.